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Friday, July 13, 2012

Menu Planning

So, I'm trying to start menu planning for a number of reasons...
1)  I'm tired of coming home from work/errands/etc and having nothing planned for dinner.
2)  We need to eat healthier.
3)  I need to stop making weekly trips (or sometimes more than that) to the grocery store that end up costing me hundreds of dollars and eating up my time.
4)  We need to stop going out to eat (for calories and cost sake).
5)  We need to budget our money.
6)  Hopefully I'll feel more "super" if I get meals planned out and save money.

Like I said, I have a number of reasons.

I started by trying a week that someone else had posted on Pinterest.  My husband was skeptical, but I had a vision....."me bringing dinner to the table at husband and daughter smiling....angelic music hair blowing in the breeze"  (strange, I know).  But honestly I had a vision of simpler evenings and getting my sh*t together.  So, we tried it and it actually saved us money and made pretty good meals. 
Inspired, I printed off that same website's next menu list and it wasn't great.  I printed off 5 more (I was desperate) and I didn't find much that I liked.  The music was gone. 

SO, here I am (inspired by my daughter's long afternoon nap) planning my own weekly menu, making a shopping list, and getting things together. 

I'm hoping to post my weekly menus for others to follow and get inspired.  I'll include my menu, shopping list, and links to the recipes (if I get them from a website) or type of the recipes if their ones I've collected over the years.  Hopefully this works and the angelic music starts playing again!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Jessie! You will hear music once again... then it will be gone, then back... a crazy vicious cycle :) Keep with it! Can't wait to read more! xoxo
